Veritas Blog

Explore the basics of different insurance types and discover how knowing your coverage details can protect you. Our blog features easy-to-read articles that highlight the importance of proper coverage. Learn more and ensure you’re fully protected—simply and clearly. Additionally, stay up to date on our work in the community!

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Certificates of Insurance

1 min read

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Filing a Worker Compensation Claim

Navigating Workers' Compensation Claims When you're injured on the job, filing a workers' compensation claim is crucial for covering your medical...

2 min read

Auto ID Card vs. Certificate of Insurance

Share: Understanding the Difference Between an Auto ID Card and a Certificate of Insurance (COI) In the realm of insurance, two key documents often...

2 min read

Certificate of Insurance vs. Insurance Binder

Share: Understanding Insurance Documentation In the world of insurance, various documents serve to verify coverage, and understanding their specific...

5 min read

The Definitive Guide to Reading a Certificate of Insurance

Share: Navigating a Certificate of Insurance, or the ACORD 25 Form, can be a headache, and many people don’t even try to check the details. However,...

Contractor Insurance

2 min read

What Happens If My Subcontractor Leaves the Project?

Share: Just because your subcontractor’s insurance policy endorses you as additional insured does not mean that you necessarily have the full...

2 min read

Blanket Additional Insured vs. Additional Insured

Share: As a General Contractor, you need your subcontractors to list you as additional insured and as a subcontractor you likely want to be able to...

Certificates of Insurance

2 min read

Why You Should Check The Policy's Exclusions

Share: Just because a subcontractor gave you a Certificate of Insurance does not mean that they have all of the coverage needed to protect you. If...

2 min read

What Does Additional Insured Status NOT Do For Me

Share: It is very helpful to be an additional insured on your subcontractor’s insurance policy, but additional insured status is not a magic bullet...

3 min read

How to Spot a Fake Certificate of Insurance

GIVE YOUR FRIENDS THE GIFT OF A GREAT SOCIAL POST! IT'S FREE TO YOU AND PRICELESS TO THEM! Fake Certificates of Insurance (COIs) have caused problems...

Blanket Additional Insured

4 min read

What is Blanket Additional Insured?

Share: " Table of Contents \n \n Let's Review \n What is Blanket Additional Insured \n Requirements to be an Additional Insured \n Blanket Additional...