Veritas Risk Management & Insurance Services Blog

Employee Safety: Incentive Policy

Written by Andrew Darlington | September 27, 2024 at 6:24 PM


This policy establishes the responsibilities of , its managers/supervisors and its employees in maintaining a safe and productive working environment. The Employee Safety Incentive Policy is in place to ensure that all parties closely follow Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines and to reduce the number of preventable on-the-job injuries through the use of an incentive-based program.



Safety on the job is everyone’s responsibility. Therefore, this incentive policy applies to all employees whether they are on the worksite or in the workplace daily or occasionally in the capacity of the worker, supervisor, safety manager or any other employee.



This policy applies whenever employees are on the job. This includes:

  • On a worksite 
  • At the workplace
  • In transit between any worksite or the workplace



To implement the Employee Safety Incentive Program,  offers two incentive awards: the Safe Employee Incentive Award and the Safety Suggestion Incentive Award. The following standards help to administer incentives: 

  • Safe Employee Incentive Award: This individual incentive starts at the beginning of each month. Employees who, during the preceding month: [select/insert criteria for employee incentive plan]
    • Followed all applicable company safety rules;
    • Completed applicable safety and health training;
    • Reported and responded appropriately to any applicable hazard or close call/near misses; and
    • Conformed to planned preventive maintenance schedules. 

Eligible employees will earn an incentive credit, and the name of each eligible employee will be placed into a drawing. At the end of the month, a member of senior management or human resources will draw a name, and that employee will be awarded a prize. This is an individual award and applies only to the person whose name is drawn for complying with the criteria described above. Incentive awards vary from month to month, but are always tangible awards such as company apparel, gift cards and sporting event tickets. The name of the winner will be announced in the company newsletter each month. 

  • Safety Suggestion Incentive Award: Senior management and human resources will place suggestion boxes around the workplace, and employees are encouraged to write out safety suggestions. The suggestions can relate to unsafe acts or conditions, health hazards or other possible safety improvements. At the end of the month, the safety administrator/health and safety team will review the suggestions. The employee whose suggestion receives the most votes from the health and safety team will earn an incentive credit. This is also an individual award, and only the person whose name is drawn as the best safety suggestion will earn the incentive prize of the month. Incentive awards vary month to month but are tangible awards such as company apparel, gift cards, and sporting event tickets. The name of the winner, the suggestion, and the action management will take to improve the safety condition will be announced in the company newsletter each month. 
  • Incentive credits: Incentive credits can be used for a prize worth one credit (company apparel, gift cards, sporting event tickets, etc.) or can be saved up to earn one vacation day worth 12 incentive credits. 
  • Incentive debits: Employees can be assessed incentive debits (negative incentive points) if they fail to follow company safety rules, fail to report an accident, or commit any other safety violations in accordance with the GENERAL WORKSITE AND WORKPLACE SAFETY; MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT SAFETY; AND FALL SAFETY sections of this document. The numerical value of the debt is addressed on a case-by-case basis, but it is worth at least one negative incentive point. 


The following responsibilities apply to various levels within the company. 

Senior management and human resources will: 

  • Require the full application and integration of this Employee Safety Incentive Policy into daily operations, as applicable, in all areas of responsibility and with all direct reports  
  • Assess managers and supervisors in their ability to apply this policy and administer debits and credits relating to safety advances or setbacks 

The designated safety administrator/health and safety team will:

  • Administer all aspects of this policy
  • Coordinate training for affected employees
  • Provide necessary technical assistance to managers and supervisors
  • Maintain and update the written program as required
  • Periodically assess the effectiveness of this program and its on-site implementation

Managers and supervisors will:

  • Know how this policy applies to those employees under their direct control
  • Integrate and enforce this policy’s provisions in their areas of responsibility
  • Help coordinate training for affected employees
  • Provide coaching and corrective action when employees’ actions violate this policy
  • Administer incentives relating to safety advances 
  • Coordinate recordkeeping for safety advances and setbacks under the incentive program for employees under their direct control 

All affected employees will:

  • Integrate the safety practices presented in this policy in their daily activity on site
  • Follow all training, instructions and directives relative to this policy
  • Seek clarification whenever there are questions concerning the application of this policy in daily operations
  • Continue to report all injuries and incidents promptly in accordance to company policy 

It is a requirement for all employees to promptly report all workplace injuries, regardless of how it affects the debits and credits system of the Employee Safety Incentive Program. The terms outlining workplace accidents are consistent with those outlined in the Workplace Safety Policy. 



Supervisor/Manager Duties

  • If away from the workplace, provide safe access into and out of the site.
  • Address employee safety concerns in a timely fashion and host regular safety meetings 
  • Ensure appropriate protections are available in the event of adverse weather.
  • Keep the worksite or workplace open for the minimum amount of time needed to complete operations.
  • Ensure all materials and equipment are free from damage or defect.
  • Make sure employees are using materials and equipment in the way the manufacturer intended.
  • Maintain at least one copy of the design at the jobsite during construction.
  • Remind employees of the need to continue to report injuries in a timely fashion. 

Employee Duties

  • Wear and maintain all PPE correctly.
  • Use all equipment and materials only in the way intended by the manufacturer. 
  • If you suspect a change in air quality, report it immediately.   
  • Use guardrails and all other safety features at the worksite or workplace. 
  • Do not enter a confined space unless you have been trained and are authorized to do so.


  • Keep all materials/equipment that might fall at least 2 feet from the edge, use retaining devices, or do both.
  • Know ’s a warning system for alerting equipment operators of changing dangers on the worksite or in the workplace. 
  • Never use an elevating part of a vehicle or machine as a man lift unless it is specifically designed for that purpose.
  • If materials or equipment become damaged during operation, alert a supervisor or manager immediately.
  • Only use equipment in a way that the manufacturer intended and that reduces or eliminates hazards.
  • Stand at a safe distance from equipment being loaded or unloaded.
  • Do not carry extra passengers in vehicles or equipment that is not designed to carry more than one person.
  • Complete a pre-operation inspection on all vehicles at the beginning of each shift to ensure proper order of the service brakes, parking system, brakes, tires, horn, steering mechanism, coupling devices, seat belts, operating controls and all other safety devices.
  •  Maintain three points of contact when mounting or dismounting equipment.
  • Only operate vehicles and equipment when the ground conditions are safe and stable.
  • Do not stand or pass under the elevated portion of any equipment regardless of whether it is loaded or empty.
  • Do not drive equipment up to a person standing in front of an excavation or a fixed object.
  • When not in use, equipment and vehicles must be fully lowered, neutralized, shut off and wheels must be blocked.
  • Do not handle unstable or unsafely arranged loads.
  • Do not handle loads greater than the equipment’s capacity.
  • Before moving, secure the load as best as possible within the bucket or hopper.
  • Do not move the machine, vehicle or equipment you are using unless you are aware of all ground workers’ positions around you.


  • Use at least one of the following whenever you are exposed to a fall of 4 feet or more above a lower level: guardrail, safety net or fall arrest systems.
  • Cover or guard floor holes promptly after creating them.
  • Construct floor hole covers so they will effectively support two times the weight of employees, equipment and materials that may be imposed on the cover at any one time. 
  • Position portable ladders so side rails extend at least 3 feet above the landing. 
  • Secure side rails at the top of a ladder to a rigid support, and use a grab device when 3-foot extension is not possible. 
  • Make sure that the weight on the ladder will not cause it to slip off its support. 
  • Inspect ladders for cracked, broken or defective parts prior each use. If a ladder is broken, tag it as defective and remove it from service. 
  • Do not apply more weight on a ladder than it is designed to support. 

Employee Safety Incentive Policy

Employee Acknowledgment


At, the safety of our employees is our greatest concern. We are always striving to improve safety standards and reduce the incidence of injuries. We want you to feel confident in your security while you are on the job site or at the workplace, which is why we established this Employee Incentive Safety Policy. 

All employees are expected to understand and actively participate in these safety procedures, guidelines, and requirements.  encourages its employees to take a proactive approach to identify potential problems or violations by promptly reporting them to their supervisor. 

Prior to working on any  job site or workplace, each employee is expected to have read the entire Employee Safety Incentive Policy, which includes:

  • General Worksite and Workplace Safety
  • Material and Equipment Safety
  • Fall Safety

If you have any uncertainty or questions regarding the content of these policies, you are required to consult your supervisor. This should be done prior to signing and agreeing to the  Employee Safety Incentive Policy.

I have read and understand ’s Employee Safety Incentive Policy, and I understand the requirements and expectations of me as an employee. I will do everything within my power to keep myself and my co-workers away from hazards because I know safety is everyone’s responsibility. In the event that an injury does occur, I will promptly report all injuries regardless of the consequences relating to this incentive program. 

I understand that it is a requirement for all employees to promptly report all workplace injuries regardless of how it affects the debits and credits system of the Employee Safety Incentive Program. I have read the terms outlining workplace accidents and understand that they are consistent with those outlined in the Workplace Safety Policy. 

Employee Signature: __________________________________________

Date: ____________________________