When an on-the-job injury or illness results in permanent work restrictions, you are required to provide the injured worker with a position that fits medically determined specifications.
If you are unable to accommodate the permanent work restrictions, vocational rehabilitation benefits are available to the injured employee. These benefits may include job placement services, retraining, or a loss of earnings claim.
In severe cases, permanent total disability benefits may be awarded to a worker that, as a result of the workplace illness or injury, can no longer do any kind of work.
When accommodating an injured employee with permanent work restrictions, it is important to know what your monetary exposures are and to understand all of your disability management options to control your costs.
Prior to offering vocational rehabilitation benefits, you should review your options for accommodating the injured employee’s permanent work restrictions. Consider the following:
It is important to note that if at any time the injured employee fails to cooperate during the job search or retraining, benefits may be reduced or terminated.